Why Performance Matters

Published On: 17 June 2024
A centered and proffesional portrait of the author Richard Decker wearing a dark colored suit while looking directly at the camera.
Richard Decker Front End Web Developer

In today's digital landscape, website performance is more critical than ever. Whether you're a business owner, developer, or user, understanding why website performance matters can significantly impact your online experience. This article will explore the critical aspects of web performance, its impact on SEO, and practical tips to optimize your site.

Why It Is Important

Web performance isn't just about speed; it's about creating a seamless user experience that drives every aspect of your online presence. When visitors land on your website, their first impression matters. A slow-loading site frustrates users and can lead to them immediately leaving your site for a competitor's. Faster websites retain visitors, encourage exploration, and reduce bounce rates.

User Experience

According to MDN, website performance is a subset of web accessibility, a critical aspect of a website that plays heavily into its online presence and visibility. Slow-loading pages frustrate users and increase bounce rates. Visitors expect websites to load quickly and provide a smooth browsing experience. Nobody likes waiting (Source: anyone who has ever been to a DMV), so why keep the most important people, your customers, on the hook for a slow-loading site?

SEO and Rankings

Search engines like Google consider website performance when ranking pages. Core Web Vitals metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) directly impact user experience and SEO. Optimizing these factors ensures your site ranks higher and attracts more organic traffic. Google has developed an excellent online tool specifically to help address and point out these types of issues. This online tool, called Page Speed Insights, is used in the industry to get a grade for a website's performance. By developing your website to score higher on these tests, we are signaling to Google and other search engines that your website is of higher quality and, therefore, more likely to be ranked above the competition in search results.

Conversion Rates and Revenue Impact

Website performance directly affects conversion rates and revenue. When your site loads quickly, visitors are more likely to engage with your content, complete forms, and make purchases. Slow-loading pages frustrate potential customers, leading to abandoned shopping carts and lost sales. According to a study by Akamai, a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. By prioritizing performance, you improve the chances of turning visitors into loyal customers.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile devices account for a significant portion of web traffic. Google's mobile-first indexing means your site's mobile performance directly impacts its search rankings. Ensuring your website is responsive, loads quickly on mobile devices, and provides an excellent user experience is vital for this indexing and ranking. Making minor iterative improvements like optimizing images, minimizing JavaScript, and leveraging browser caching enhances mobile performance. A seamless mobile experience contributes to better SEO and user satisfaction.

How To Squeeze Out Performance From Your Site

Optimizing website performance requires a combination of technical expertise, tools, and best practices. Here are some quick and practical tips to help you squeeze out more performance from your site. These suggestions should ideally be used in most web projects, but your ideal site may differ.

Optimize Images

Images play a crucial role in web design but can significantly impact performance if not optimized properly. Here is how developers can enhance image loading speed.

Choosing The Right Image Format

Selecting the appropriate image format is essential, but most often, a default of WebP is almost always your best option. Using the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format for photographs and complex images is advantageous because of the format's ability to compress images well, with minimal loss of data. Alternatively, consider using PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format for graphics, logos, and icons for its lossless compression algorithm, ensuring you always have all the original image data. These two image formats are great but are older and less impressive than some modern formats. For even better performance, compression, and feature support (like transparency), consider using the newer WebP format. WebP offers superior compression without sacrificing image quality and is even a lossless compression algorithm. Most modern browsers support it, and you can convert existing images to WebP using online tools like Squoosh.

Implement Responsive Images With The srcset and sizes Attributes

Responsive design ensures your website looks great on various devices and screen sizes. When it comes to images, responsiveness is already built in! Make sure to use the srcset attribute in your <img /> tags. This attribute allows you to provide multiple image sources (each with different resolutions) and lets the browser choose the most appropriate one based on the user's device. Additionally, use the sizes attribute to specify the image's display size relative to the viewport width. This attribute helps browsers load the right-sized image, reducing unnecessary data transfer.

Minimizing JavaScript and CSS Files

JavaScript and CSS files contribute significantly to page load times. Developers can optimize these resources to improve performance by deferring, minimizing, and delaying the loading, parsing, and execution of these files.

Minify and Bundle JavaScript and CSS

Minification involves removing unnecessary characters (such as whitespace and comments) from your JavaScript and CSS files. You can use packages and frameworks like Astro or Webpack to minify files. Additionally, consider bundling multiple files into a single file to reduce the number of HTTP requests. The specific tool you choose to use in this job is up to you, but regardless of choice, this step serves to 'freely' save you some bandwidth and size when it comes to your website.

Load JavaScript Asynchronously

Loading non-critical JavaScript files asynchronously is a great and easy way to save some main thread working time; you can do this by adding the async or type="module" attributes to the script tag. However, other non-critical scripts that need to be loaded synchronously can be placed just before the closing </body> tag to prevent blocking the rendering of the page. This same behavior can also be achieved with the defer attribute attached to the script if you prefer to place the script tag in the <head>. This will ensure that the script 'fires' once the critical page content (like the HTML) has been loaded. Critical scripts (like those needed for rendering above-the-fold content) can be loaded synchronously in the <head> section without any of the above attributes attached.

Leveraging Browser Caching

Browser caching allows users' browsers to store static assets (such as images, stylesheets, and scripts) locally. When a user revisits your site, these assets can be retrieved from the cache instead of downloading them again.

Setting Cache-Control Headers

Configure your server to send appropriate cache-control headers. For static assets, set a long expiration time (e.g., one year) to encourage browsers to cache them. For dynamic content, use a shorter expiration time (e.g., a few hours) to ensure that your browser makes the appropriate HTTP requests and fetches the most up-to-date content. Most servers handle this process differently, especially if you're using a Saas backend, but the general idea is the same. For detailed instructions on configuring your specific server, you can search online for: "how to configure cache-control headers for [insert your server vendor or service here]." When you update your website, change the filenames of your assets (e.g., styles.css?v=2.0). This change ensures that browsers fetch the latest version rather than relying on cached files.


Website performance matters because it impacts user experience, SEO rankings, conversion rates, and revenue. Taking the essential steps to optimize your website's performance is crucial in the development process, especially in the early stages when it can be a central focus rather than an afterthought. Optimizing images, minimizing JavaScript and CSS files, and leveraging browser caching are all practical ways to improve performance and your website's online presence.